Tapestries by Size

Should you be interested in acquiring a tapestry to fit a specific space, you may find the following tables helpful. They list tapestries by size, the first table sorted by height and the second sorted by width. The sizes are those of the original design–sizes can be customized, though downsizing is usually limited to approximately twenty percent.

Tapestries Sorted by Height

TapestrySize (H x W)
Legends of Creation: Egypt1.04m x 1.54m (41in x 61in)
Deborah1.07m x 1.78m (42in x 70in)
As Doves to Their Windows1.1m x 1.55m (43in x 61in)
The Dove Came into Noah’s Ark1.1m x 1.55m (43in x 61in)
Wailing Like Doves1.1m x 1.55m (43in x 61in)
Wings Like a Dove1.1m x 1.55m (43in x 61in)
Legends of Creation: Japan1.12m x 1.1m (44in x 43in)
A Dream Come True1.13m x 1.45m (44in x 57in)
Esther1.16m x 1.67m (46in x 66in)
Black Fury of God1.17m x 1.67m (46in x 66in)
Implacable Storm1.17m x 1.68m (46in x 66in)
There Was a Great Storm in the Sea1.18m x 1.67m (46in x 66in)
Garden of Eden1.18m x 1.73m (46in x 68in)
Legends of Creation: Hindu1.19m x 1.42m (47in x 56in)
Sweet Mountain1.19m x 1.71m (47in x 67in)
The Spherical Earth Floats in Space1.2m x 1.64m (47in x 65in)
Mount Hermon1.2m x 1.67m (47in x 66in)
The Tabernacle1.2m x 1.7m (47in x 67in)
Comfort My People1.2m x 1.71m (47in x 67in)
Fruit for Food and Leaves for Healing1.2m x 1.72m (47in x 68in)
Leviticus I1.2m x 1.75m (47in x 69in)
Leviticus II1.2m x 1.75m (47in x 69in)
Leviticus III1.2m x 1.75m (47in x 69in)
Let My People Go1.2m x 1.8m (47in x 71in)
For Dust You Are1.21m x 1.67m (48in x 66in)
At the Foot of the Mountain1.22m x 1.68m (48in x 66in)
Dinah1.23m x 1.7m (48in x 67in)
Tamar1.23m x 1.7m (48in x 67in)
The Daughters of Shiloh1.23m x 1.7m (48in x 67in)
Before Red Tide1.24m x 1.7m (49in x 67in)
The Amazon Is Burning1.25m x 1.6m (49in x 63in)
Red Tide Now1.25m x 1.65m (49in x 65in)
People in Exchange1.25m x 1.85m (49in x 73in)
Angels’ Promise1.26m x 1.15m (50in x 45in)
Goliath’s Spear1.26m x 1.16m (50in x 46in)
The Deep Is Frozen1.28m x 1.71m (50in x 67in)
Miriam1.29m x 1.58m (51in x 62in)
Birth1.3m x 1.5m (51in x 59in)
Do Not Cut Down the Trees1.32m x 1.32m (52in x 52in)
Legends of Creation: Christianity1.33m x 1.06m (52in x 42in)
Come My Beloved1.37m x 1.33m (54in x 52in)
I Am Black1.37m x 1.45m (54in x 57in)
Water from the Rock1.4m x 1.38m (55in x 54in)
Holocaust: During1.4m x 1.75m (55in x 69in)
Serah Breaks the News to Jacob1.4m x 1.85m (55in x 73in)
Serah Went to Egypt1.4m x 1.85m (55in x 73in)
Holocaust: After1.4m x 1.96m (55in x 77in)
Holocaust: Before1.4m x 1.96m (55in x 77in)
David1.44m x 1.32m (57in x 52in)
As an Apple Tree1.45m x 1.37m (57in x 54in)
Elijah and the False Prophets1.48m x 1.35m (58in x 53in)
Hagar1.5m x 1.3m (59in x 51in)
Serah’s Legend1.5m x 1.8m (59in x 71in)
Let the People Be Together1.5m x 1.95m (59in x 77in)
Delilah1.54m x 1.23m (61in x 48in)
Scarlet and Snow, Crimson and Wool1.54m x 1.26m (61in x 50in)
Mountains and Fountains in the Oceans1.56m x 1.28m (61in x 50in)
Punishment of Jerusalem1.58m x 1.24m (62in x 49in)
Lot’s Wife1.6m x 1.05m (63in x 41in)
Elijah’s Ascension1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Eve1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
He Is Like a Tree1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Journey from the Red Sea1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Moses Protests Leadership1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Punishment for Idolatry1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Restoration of the Land1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Mother of All Living1.6m x 1.23m (63in x 48in)
Comet and Deluge1.6m x 1.25m (63in x 49in)
Planetarium1.65m x 2m (65in x 79in)
Cain1.66m x 1.27m (65in x 50in)
War and Peace1.84m x 1.38m (72in x 54in)

Tapestries Sorted by Width

TapestrySize (H x W)
Lot’s Wife1.6m x 1.05m (63in x 41in)
Legends of Creation: Christianity1.33m x 1.06m (52in x 42in)
Legends of Creation: Japan1.12m x 1.1m (44in x 43in)
Angels’ Promise1.26m x 1.15m (50in x 45in)
Goliath’s Spear1.26m x 1.16m (50in x 46in)
Elijah’s Ascension1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Eve1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
He Is Like a Tree1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Journey from the Red Sea1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Moses Protests Leadership1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Punishment for Idolatry1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Restoration of the Land1.6m x 1.2m (63in x 47in)
Delilah1.54m x 1.23m (61in x 48in)
Mother of All Living1.6m x 1.23m (63in x 48in)
Punishment of Jerusalem1.58m x 1.24m (62in x 49in)
Comet and Deluge1.6m x 1.25m (63in x 49in)
Scarlet and Snow, Crimson and Wool1.54m x 1.26m (61in x 50in)
Cain1.66m x 1.27m (65in x 50in)
Mountains and Fountains in the Oceans1.56m x 1.28m (61in x 50in)
Hagar1.5m x 1.3m (59in x 51in)
Do Not Cut Down the Trees1.32m x 1.32m (52in x 52in)
David1.44m x 1.32m (57in x 52in)
Come My Beloved1.37m x 1.33m (54in x 52in)
Elijah and the False Prophets1.48m x 1.35m (58in x 53in)
As an Apple Tree1.45m x 1.37m (57in x 54in)
Water from the Rock1.4m x 1.38m (55in x 54in)
War and Peace1.84m x 1.38m (72in x 54in)
Legends of Creation: Hindu1.19m x 1.42m (47in x 56in)
A Dream Come True1.13m x 1.45m (44in x 57in)
I Am Black1.37m x 1.45m (54in x 57in)
Birth1.3m x 1.5m (51in x 59in)
Legends of Creation: Egypt1.04m x 1.54m (41in x 61in)
As Doves to Their Windows1.1m x 1.55m (43in x 61in)
The Dove Came into Noah’s Ark1.1m x 1.55m (43in x 61in)
Wailing Like Doves1.1m x 1.55m (43in x 61in)
Wings Like a Dove1.1m x 1.55m (43in x 61in)
Miriam1.29m x 1.58m (51in x 62in)
The Amazon Is Burning1.25m x 1.6m (49in x 63in)
The Spherical Earth Floats in Space1.2m x 1.64m (47in x 65in)
Red Tide Now1.25m x 1.65m (49in x 65in)
Esther1.16m x 1.67m (46in x 66in)
Black Fury of God1.17m x 1.67m (46in x 66in)
There Was a Great Storm in the Sea1.18m x 1.67m (46in x 66in)
Mount Hermon1.2m x 1.67m (47in x 66in)
For Dust You Are1.21m x 1.67m (48in x 66in)
Implacable Storm1.17m x 1.68m (46in x 66in)
At the Foot of the Mountain1.22m x 1.68m (48in x 66in)
The Tabernacle1.2m x 1.7m (47in x 67in)
Dinah1.23m x 1.7m (48in x 67in)
Tamar1.23m x 1.7m (48in x 67in)
The Daughters of Shiloh1.23m x 1.7m (48in x 67in)
Before Red Tide1.24m x 1.7m (49in x 67in)
Sweet Mountain1.19m x 1.71m (47in x 67in)
Comfort My People1.2m x 1.71m (47in x 67in)
The Deep Is Frozen1.28m x 1.71m (50in x 67in)
Fruit for Food and Leaves for Healing1.2m x 1.72m (47in x 68in)
Garden of Eden1.18m x 1.73m (46in x 68in)
Leviticus I1.2m x 1.75m (47in x 69in)
Leviticus II1.2m x 1.75m (47in x 69in)
Leviticus III1.2m x 1.75m (47in x 69in)
Holocaust: During1.4m x 1.75m (55in x 69in)
Deborah1.07m x 1.78m (42in x 70in)
Let My People Go1.2m x 1.8m (47in x 71in)
Serah’s Legend1.5m x 1.8m (59in x 71in)
Comfort My People1.25m x 1.85m (49in x 73in)
People in Exchange1.25m x 1.85m (49in x 73in)
Serah Breaks the News to Jacob1.4m x 1.85m (55in x 73in)
Serah Went to Egypt1.4m x 1.85m (55in x 73in)
Let the People Be Together1.5m x 1.95m (59in x 77in)
Holocaust: After1.4m x 1.96m (55in x 77in)
Holocaust: Before1.4m x 1.96m (55in x 77in)
Planetarium1.65m x 2m (65in x 79in)