All tapestries are for sale and have numbered, limited editions. They include a signed certificate of authenticity from the artist detailing all information connected with the tapestry. Prices do not include relevant taxes or shipping costs. For detailed information please contact
For tapestries available now for immediate delivery, see
Ordering a Tapestry
Tapestries not immediately available can be ordered. Most tapestries can be created with customized dimensions to meet the requirements of a specific location, although please note that downsizing is usually limited to approximately twenty percent. Delivery can take up to twenty weeks. A payment schedule is arranged at time of purchase agreement.
The standard price for Sylvia Feinstein tapestries is US$4,000 per square meter.
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The following tapestries are currently available for immediate delivery:
Garden of Eden specially offered at US$4800
Come My Beloved specially offered at US$4500
Restoration of the Land specially offered at US$2900
Angels’ Promise specially offered at US$3000
War and Peace specially offered at US$4000
Leviticus Series: Leviticus II US$9600
Women in the Bible Series: Esther US$9600