Holocaust: Before

O God, keep  not Thou  silence;  Hold  not Thy  peace, and be not  still, O God.  For lo, Thine enemies are in an uproar; And they  that  hate Thee have lifted up the head.                                                                                                                                          Psalms: 83:2-3


TITLE: Before

SIZE: 1.40m x 1.96m (55in x 77in)

JH-SF Holocaust Series BEFORE (2)JH-SF Holocaust Series BEFORE (2)

‘Oh God, don’t be still because your enemies are roaring’

In Before Holocaust the scene is colorful, although the colors are subdued. The shades deceive the harsh truth. One group of figures seems to be happy–not yet surmising the approaching evil–while another group of characters looks less confident. Restless shapes accompany the figures–an indefinite, threatening mass getting closer.


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